DG Visit
Tick tock goes the clock. Here comes the forth month of Rotary Year 2023-24. DG Visit is almost done. I am pleased to learn that you have a lot planning on the way. Specific action plan is the key to success. A service project involves various parties; practice of “playing by ear” may lead to a lack of comprehensive consideration. Please support your Club Presidents in implementing the Club plans. I can’t wait to hear your updates at DMC and JPM.
Membership Updates
I am regreted to inform that Rotary Club of Elite Orient is officially terminated by Rotary International. Despite the news, we have 110 Clubs with 2,762 Rotarians (as of 30 September 2023), a health growth from 2,688 members since July.
我遺憾宣佈中華菁英扶輪社已正式經國際扶輪中止運作,現時3450地區合共有110個扶輪社共2,762名社友(截至2023年9月30日),社友人數穩步上升(2023年7月1 日:2,688名社友)。
TRF Updates
As of 28 September, a total of USD313,092 contribution was made. Currently, we have 174 newly joined the Paul Harris Society and 16 for the Major Donor family (11 for MD1; 4 for MD2; 1 for MD4). Contribution is the fuel of this giant boat, driving us to go further and deeper on the way to serve the community. I hope you find joy in giving donations.
截至本年9月28日,3450地區社友合共捐獻達313,092美元。目前,地區新增174名PHF以及16名鉅額捐獻人(Major Donor, MD)- 11名MD1、4名MD2及1名MD4。捐款是地區航行的動力,帶領社友們將服務更廣、更深。我期望各位皆能從捐獻中領略助人的喜悅。
International Day of Peace
The International Day of Peace, also officially known as World Peace Day, is on 21 September of each year. On this day, people around the world celebrates the power of global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable world. Peacebuilding and conflict prevention is one the Seven Areas of Focus. Rotarians are always engaged in this long-term process of encouraging people to talk, repairing relationships, and reforming institutions.
The International Peace party 2023 was held on 21 September evening. Every participant was dressed with national costume to celebrate the important date. “Peace is the soil where hope takes root,” RIP Gordon McInally said. To foster world peace, please join me to be People of Action and become a peacebuilder.
3450地區亦於本年9月21日舉行國際和平晚會,會上各人皆穿上不同地區的服飾,象徵世界大同。國際扶輪社長葛登‧麥金納利Gordon McInally曾言導:和平是希望紮根的土壤。特此誠邀所有行動的人與我在促進和平的路上攜手同行,締造和平。
Representing Rotary District 3450, I, DGE Nigel, DGN Cassy and the team visited Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government(LOCPG) on 21 September. Our team had a deep discussion on our plan with Chen Zetao, Deputy Director-General Coordination Department. We discussed to identify the potential of organising vocational visit to renowned enterprises in Greater Bay Area, aiming to drive our members and youth to gain an in-depth understanding of the latest development of China. We had a nice time in exploring our potential coordination. We are now working out the plan to organize vocational visit and programme in Chinese national affairs on 16-17 December 2023.
District PI Seminar
PI Seminar was successfully held on 14 September. Google Cloud Strategic Advisor Michael Yung and HDCourse Digital Consultant Ivan So shared their insight on the latest tech breakthroughs with 80 participants. Together with 30 people online, they took a quiz game and an IG challenge, leaving left inspirational comments on how Rotarians can create hope in an innovative way with the use of the latest technology.
公共形象研討會於9月14日順利舉行。Google Cloud 策略顧問 Michael Yung 和 HDCourse 數碼顧問 Ivan So 與 80 名與會者分享他們對最新技術的行業洞察。與會者與30名線上人士一起參加互動問答,並活學活用,即場以會上所學於IG留言,透過社交媒體擴大影響力,藉此創造更多希望。
Mental Health First Aid Course
Two out of three sessions of Mental Health First Aid Course were completed. 40 Rotarians will become our certificated mental health ambassadors after passing the exam. The team will offer outreach or organizing suitable service projects, aiming to arouse public awareness towards mental health.
Rotaract Matters
Rotaractors are now eligible and encouraged to serve alongside Rotarians on district and RI committees. Our supportive partners, Rotaractors, are also transferring their Presidency as well. Feel free to take part in their club installation, and connect with our youth. Do not forget to get Rotaractors involved while we are planning our service projects.
I am pleased to announce that District 3450 is taking part in bidding Asia Pacific Rotaract Conference (APRRC) 2025. We are now planning to host the conference in Mongolia and the application was sent to the APRRC Committee on 30 September. The proposal received great support from DGE Nigel, DGN Cassy as well as Mongolian Rotarians and Rotaractors. Meanwhile, the District has confirmed to subsidize 16 Rotaractors from Hong Kong & Mongolia to attend the 5-day APRRC in Seoul this year.
3450地區正積極參與2025年亞太區扶青會議(APRRC)的投標。我們計劃在蒙古主辦是次會議,並於 9 月 30 日正式向APRRC 委員會遞交申請。是次提案獲總監當選人羅承益、地區總監提名人鄭卓群以及一眾蒙古扶輪和扶青社友的大力支持。此外,為支持扶青社員,地區將資助16名香港及蒙古的扶青社員參加本年度為期五日的首爾APRRC。
Governors’ Kitchen
Another two episodes of Governors’ Kitchen finished filming. PDG YK Cheng, PDG John Wan, PDG Kenneth Wong and PDG Eugene Fong were generous to share their secret recipe and their Rotary stories with us. Special thanks to our two brilliant chefs, DGN Nigel and CP George Wong for delivering their excellent cooking skills.
總監廚房本月已完成兩集的錄製。鄭恩基前總監 、溫頌安前總監、王國林前總監及方奕展前總監已陸續分享他們的食譜。敬請期待十二月上映的總監廚房,了解領導們的扶輪逸事。在此衷心多總監當選人羅承益及創社社長黃人緯兩位出色的廚師候,他們毫不吝嗇於節目中展現他們的高超廚藝。
Rotary Volunteer Network
We are open for recruiting Rotary volunteers. If your family and friends are interested in being one of us, fill in the below form:
Rotary Volunteer Network