Written by IPP Eliza Ning, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour, PPE Chair, IPP Simone Kong, Rotary Club of Central. Proof read by IPP Angela Wong, Rotary Peninsular East, and Rtn Bernice Aguirre, Rotary Club of Peninsular East.
To celebrate Rotary Ecology Day, which falls on November 1st every year, the Rotary International District 3450 Preserve Planet Earth (PPE) Committee organized a full-day PPE Power Day on October 28th, 2023, in Hong Kong and Mongolia to support the environment. The morning session had over 200 participants, while the afternoon session had over 100 participants. In Hong Kong, the afternoon session took place outdoors in a green area because the organizers believed it was important to spend time feeling, loving, and cherishing Mother Earth up close. In Mongolia, due to the cold weather, the event was held indoors. The event began with DG Andy and PPE Chair IPP Eliza delivering their opening speeches, with Mongolia joining via Zoom for the first 15 minutes before continuing with on-site sessions.
為慶祝每年11月1日的扶輪生態日,扶輪國際3450地區保護地球 (PPE)委員會於2023年10月28日在香港和蒙古舉辦了為期一天的PPE Power Day活動,以支持環境保護。上午的活動有200多名參與者,下午的活動有100多名參與者。香港方面,下午的活動在一片綠油油的戶外舉行,因為PPE 委員會認為花時間親身感受、熱愛和珍惜地球是很重要的。在蒙古,由於天氣寒冷,活動在室內舉行。活動以DG Andy和PPE主席IPP Eliza發表開幕演講開始,蒙古社友通過Zoom參加了前15分鐘,然後繼續進行現場活動。

DG Andy Li 致辭

PPE 主席 IPP Eliza 致辭


地區領導和PPE Power Day組織委員會成員
In Hong Kong, the morning session was held at the Tzu Chi Environmental Action Centre (“Action Centre”). The afternoon session took place in Wu Kau Tang, in an open-air setting. This year, the PPE Power Day focused on three areas: “Carbon Reduction,” “Stop Food Waste,” and “Love Our Environment.” The PPE Committee aimed to set a new benchmark for environmentally friendly Rotary events by minimizing paper usage (99% paperless), providing e-Certificates to speakers, using reusable props for photo-taking, implementing e-Registration at the reception counter, utilizing reusable PPE Committee T-shirts, offering a vegetarian lunch with biodegradable and compostable lunch boxes, and encouraging participants to bring their own water and handkerchiefs to reduce their carbon footprint.
在香港,上午的活動在慈濟環保願行館(”願行館”)舉行而下午的活動在烏蛟騰的戶外環境舉行。今年的PPE Power Day活動聚焦於”減碳”、”停止食物浪費”和”愛我們的環境”三方面。PPE委員會旨在為扶輪活動設立符合環保的新標準, 例如盡量減少紙張使用量(99%無紙化)、為演講嘉賓提供電子證書、使用可重複使用的道具進行拍照、在接待處實施電子註冊、使用可重複穿著的PPE委員會T恤、提供採用可生物降解的素食午餐盒,並鼓勵參與者自行帶水和手帕以減少碳足跡,為扶輪活動設立符合環保的新標準。

The Action Centre was established in 2020 with the sponsorship of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Its mission is to educate the local public about the importance of environmental protection and the factors critical to the sustainable growth of the earth (https://tzuchieac.org.hk/en/). During the event, participants were given a guided tour of the Action Centre, where they learned about the principles of “Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, Repair, Recycle, and Rethink.” They also learned about the threat of plastic bottles to the lives of humpback whales, observed a home filled with plastic bottles to simulate the ocean’s situation, learned that a glass bottle is forever as it takes 1,000,000 years for it to decompose, saw various products made from recycled plastic bottles (such as shoes and blankets), and learned how to make recycled paper. After the tour, participants enjoyed a nutritious and delicious vegetarian lunch served in biodegradable and compostable lunch boxes. Additionally, participants cleaned the lunch boxes before leaving the Action Centre for recycling.
願行館於2020年在香港賽馬會慈善基金的贊助下成立。它的使命是向本地公眾宣傳環境保護的重要性以及地球可持續增長的關鍵因素(https://tzuchieac.org.hk/en/)。在活動期間,參與者參觀了願行館,了解”減少、重複使用、拒絕、修復、回收和重新思考”的原則。他們還了解到塑膠瓶對座頭鯨生命的威脅,觀察了以模擬海洋情況而設的一個充滿塑膠瓶的家; 學到玻璃瓶的存在是永恆的, 因為它需要1,000,000年才能分解; 看到了由回收塑膠瓶製成的各種產品(如鞋子和毯子);並學習了如何製作回收紙。在參觀結束後,參與者享用了用可生物降解的餐盒盛裝,經營養師設計的美味素食午餐。此外,參與者在離開願行館前還自行清洗午餐盒以進行回收。

Guided Tour of the exhibition at the Action Centre sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club

Recycle Paper-making class


Participants cleaning their lunch boxes before putting in the recycling bins 參與者先自行清潔午餐盒, 再放入回收箱

願行館的 廢品回收箱有不同的分類
After lunch, the participants travelled by coach to Wu Kau Tang, where the afternoon session took place. The session included presentations by four guest speakers in the open green.

願行館經理 Karman Tse小姐分享願行館的使命

Paul Cheung 先生分享登山經歷
Mr. Paul Cheung, a professional mountaineer, spoke about leaving no trace and the importance of bringing food along in case of emergency when hiking.
職業登山家 Paul Cheung先生分享去郊遊時把垃圾帶走的重要性和帶備食物以備不時之需

Ms. Fanny Lee, Community Engagement Director of Feeding HK, discussed how food waste contributes to global warming and how individuals can reduce food waste by changing their habits.
樂餉社的社區關係總監Fanny Lee小姐討論了食物浪費如何對全球暖化產生影響,以及個人如何通過改變習慣來減少食物浪費。

Dr. Xoni Ma, Founder & Education Director of Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong, emphasized the importance of nature and outdoor activities for human well-being and explained the physical and mental benefits of exposure to nature.
香港户外生態教育協会 創辦人馬昀祺博士強調大自然和戶外活動對人類幸福感的重要性,並闡釋了身處自然環境中對身心健康的益處。

Paul Cheung 先生帶領參與者做運動

Karman Tse小姐還主持了三位演講嘉賓之間的論壇,並帶領參與者進行了一場思考。在論壇中,一位來自香港專業教育學院(IVE)的學生提出如何成為素食主義者的問題。

Daughter of DG Andy, Miss Kandice Li shared her path of becoming a vegan.
DG Andy 的女兒 Kandice Li 小姐 分享她成為純素主義者的旅程。

A total of 11 teachers and students from Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) attended the PPE Power Day.
香港專業教育學院共有11位師生參加 PPE Power Day.

Ended by OC Chair IPP Anton Chan’s closing remark in thanking all the guest speakers, participants and members of the OC Team and supporters as follows: PPE Power Day在組織委員會主席 IPP Anton Chan向所有演講嘉賓、參與者、以下組織委員會成員和支持者致謝後圓滿結束:
- PPE Chair : IPP Eliza Ning, RC of HK Harbour
- PPE Power Day Chair : IPP Anton Chan, RC of the Hub Hong Kong
- Floor Manager: Rtn Victor Lau, RC of the Hub Hong Kong
- Assistant Floor Manager : Rtn Winnie Ng, RC of the Hub Hong Kong
- MC: IPP Angela Wong, RC of Peninsula East
- Reception: P Tiana Cheng of RC of Tolo Harbour, IPP Rita Fung, RC of Mid-Level, IPP Simone Kong, RC of Central, PP Anthony Lau, RC of Tolo Harbour, Rtn Swallow Cheng, RC of Happy Valley
- Flyer Design : IPP Eliza Ning, RC of HK Harbour, Rtn Bernice Aguirre, RC of Peninsula East
- Sergeant-at-Arm: IPP Rita Fung, RC of Mid-Level
- Video Clips : Rtn Winnie Ng , RC of the Hub Hong Kong
- Vegetarian Lunch Box Co-ordinator : Rtn Bernice Aguirre
- Newsletter reporting: IPP Simone Kong, RC of Central.
- Coach Coordinator : PP Anthony Lau, RC of Tolo Harbour
- Photographers : IPP Simone Kong, RC of Central and her husband Mr. Raymond Tang
- Drone Filming/Video Operator: Tzu Chi Environmental Action Center
- Morning Session Venue Provider: Tzu Chi Environmental Action Center
- Afternoon Session Venue Provider: P Frank Wong, RC of Green Hong Kong
- Vegetarian lunch Box Provider: Rtn Vin Ip, RC of Peninsula Sunrise
We also express our appreciation to our District leaders including DG Andy Li, PDG Eric Chak, DGE Nigel Lo, DGN Cassy Cheng and several other District Officers’ support by attending the PPE Power Day.
我們還要感謝DG Andy Li、PDG Eric Chak、DGE Nigel Lo、DGN Cassy Cheng以及其他幾位地區領導的全力支持扶輪 PPE Power Day。
The key message for all participants of the PPE Power Day was: “Preserve Planet Earth Starts from Me – Let’s Go Green Now!”
所有參與PPE Power Day的與會者的關鍵信息是:“保護地球從我做起 -,讓我們一起行動, 現在就綠起來!”