Characteristics of Area 2

Rotary Club of Admiralty

  1. We have chartered in 1989.
  2. We are the 1st Club in D3450 chartered with female members.
  3. 5 of our members has over 30 years of long services (3 members are charter members).
  4. Signature Project – Say No to Drugs-Path Builder For Youth Project has been run for 13 years.
  5. More than 40% of our members are working in financial sector.
  6. Promote intergenerational friendship.
  7. Active in providing support to community service for youth and elderly
  8. We have good friendship from members and their family members.
  9. We have focus Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in society.
  10. Contribute to society with our different professionals.

Rotary Club of Central

  1. Young and Visionary
  2. Society Perceptive
  3. Caring to needy
  4. Hands-on services
  5. Professionalism in different industries
  6. Collaboration with service partners
  7. Integrity and reliable
  8. Empathy to our society
  9. Innovation
  10. Sustainable Impact

Rotary Club of Discovery Bay

  1. Diversity
  2. Fellowship and Friendship between its members
  3. Generous
  4. Impactful
  5. Open to the world
  6. Supportive
  7. Fun to be with
  8. Mainly foreigner, expat
  9. Kindness
  10. Resilient

Rotary Club of Hong Kong

  1. 1st club in District 3450
  2. Diversity of our service projects – Educational, Healthcare, Local Community, International
  3. Serving different parts of our community – Students, Youth, Elderly, Caregiver
  4. Building connections with Rotary Clubs – Visited RC London, RC Singapore, RC Amman Jordan etc.
  5. Members from diverse backgrounds, professionals
  6. Have international project (Tujia)
  7. Focus on Health care life saving project for 18 years (Test for life 1.0,2.0,3.0)
  8. Amazing speaker program from all walks of life and very high profile speakers
  9. Great donation from long time serving members
  10. 2 Rotaract clubs and 4 Interact clubs

Rotary Club of Innovation HK

  1. A platform to allow us to serve the local community
  2. Opportunities to use our professional skills to create positive impact
  3. Great friendship among nice, like-minded and dedicated individuals with diversified backgrounds and skill sets
  4. Motivated for Service Above Self with innovative service ideas and no personal agenda
  5. Diverse and enjoyable activities
  6. Networking opportunities with people from diverse backgrounds
  7. Family-inclusive activities and flexible arrangements to allow work-life-family-Rotary balance
  8. Personal growth and development opportunities
  9. Peace-loving individuals who value harmony and loyalty
  10. Strong devotion to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with service beneficiaries including autistic/SEN individuals

Rotary Club of Queensway

  1. The 38th Club of District 3450
  2. Set up on November 19, 1992.
  3. The first women club in District 3450
  4. Charter President Gloria Cheng was the first female District Governor (2002-2003)
  5. Bilingual Speaking Club
  6. Most prominent project was Hepatitis B immunization program which immunized over 50,000 infants in Mainland China
  7. Club members have strong connections in elderly related industry and services.
  8. Members from diverse backgrounds.
  9. Friendly, passionate, and warm
  10. Concerns PPE, DEI related subjects

Rotary Club of Smart HK

  1. Members are Tech Savvy Professionals, with majority of them comes from ICT Industries.
  2. Aspired to provide services with technologies
  3. Strong networks of members in multi sectors in different platforms
  4. 100% participations of members in service projects
  5. Lots of sports enthusiasts in the club:  participated Ultramarathon every year
  6. Consistent theme of services: Technology for all, esports for elderly
  7. Commitment to groom youth community: thru Junioract, Interact and Rotaract
  8. Gourmet food and wine for fellowship
  9. Youngest club in Area 2 and young at heart for all members
  10. Green Club

Rotary Club of Victoria

  1. A history of 47 years with support from resourceful charter and senior members
  2. A wave of younger generations of members in recent years
  3. Members are from diversified respectable professions
  4. A unique energy of combining chill and sprightly vibes
  5. Prompt contributions to relieve global natural hazards and humanitarians crises
  6. Expanding cultural and racial diversity
  7. Good connection with Rotaractors
  8. Open-minded & inclusive of opinions
  9. Devoted in a wide range of green and youth projects
  10. A good network with other clubs and Rotarians

Rotary Club of Wanchai

  1. We are diversity – both in terms of nationality and in the professional expertise and skillsets of its members. We have members of more than a dozen nationalities and with backgrounds in many of Rotary’s classifications. This helps enhance our effectiveness on the projects we support.
  2. We are longevity and consistency – we were chartered on 18 April 1990.
  3. We hold long-standing relationships to its partner clubs in France, the Philippines and Japan – actively pursuing joint projects.
  4. We have long-term partnerships for its service endeavours in Hong Kong.