DG Newsletter – November

End Polio Walk in Area 9 and Area 10 was conducted successfully on 7 October 2023. Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors in Mongolia displayed their remarkable enthusiasm by having over 120 participated in the End Polio Walk. Everyone was active in collecting the garbage as well as the Latino Dance fundraising events. Thank you for all your donation and support in the End Polio campaign. USD2,100 is not just an amount, but hopes for children who are being threatened by polio.

This year, Area 1 organised the End Polio Walk innovatively. The Walk was held on the outer rim of the Macau Tower high up at 233 metres. That’s a great experience to compact our fear.  Just like the fear of Polio that we have been devoting wholeheartedly to embrace. You will never overcome it until we bravely stand firm to address it.

No matter who we are and where we are, we all have the same goal: One Day, One Focus, Ending Polio. Polio, which mainly affects children under age 5, has no cure but is preventable with vaccines. We’ve reduced cases by 99.9% since 1988. But it will never be risk-free unless we eradicate polio in the last two countries.

Rotarians in Hong Kong are going to organise another End Polio Walk on 18 November. Do show up to demonstrate your support and arouse public awareness of the disabling disease. We are this close. Let’s hold hands and walk the last mile together.



無論身份為何、身處何地,我們皆秉持同一目標:總有一天,徹底根除小兒麻痺症。目前,5歲以下的兒童承受着感染小兒麻痺症的風險,一旦染上便無法根治,唯只要接種疫苖,便能有效預防這致殘疾病。自1988年起, 扶輪已成功在地球上杜絕99.9%地區的小兒麻痺症病患,只要完成最後兩個國家的疫苗接種,便能在地球上徹底根除小兒麻痺症。  

香港扶輪社友當然也不甘後人,根除小兒麻痺症活動將於本年11月18日舉行,特此呼籲各位積極參與,喚起社會大眾對此致殘疾病的關注。We are this close. 我們離目標不遠,讓我們攜手完成最後一哩路。

It is with immense joy that we announce Mongolia, a pivotal part of Rotary International District 3450, as the host country for the 2025 Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (APRRC). Notably, this event marks a significant milestone, as it is the first time Mongolia assumes the hosting duties, while Hong Kong proudly hosted the first APRRC in 2004 and another one in 2014.

The APRRC, a substantial event spanning 4 days, convenes Rotaractors from across the Asia Pacific region annually. Originating in 2004 through the collective efforts of Rotaractors within District 3450, this initiative offers a profound platform for Rotaractors of diverse cultural backgrounds to converge, foster fellowship, share ideas, and enrich their cultural experiences.

This momentous gathering promises to leave a significant imprint, elevate leadership skills, nurture camaraderie, and stimulate the creation of impactful service projects among Rotaractors throughout the region. Our Rotaractors are poised for an extraordinary journey, and they await an unforgettable experience in Mongolia!

我欣然宣布,國際扶輪 3450 地區三大區域之一的蒙古將成為 2025年亞太扶青會議(APRRC) 的主辦方。繼香港於2004年及2014主辦首屆及第十屆的APRRC後,蒙古再次以3450地區成員身份承擔主辦APRRC職責,對整個地區而言是非常重要的里程碑。

APRRC 為期 4 天,每年匯聚數以百計來自亞太地區的扶青社員。首屆APRRC在3450地區扶青社員的共同努力下於2004年成功舉辦,為不同文化背景的扶青社員提供一個相互交流、促進友誼、分享想法和豐富文化體驗的平台。

APRRC是每年舉足輕重的扶青活動,與會者可透過會議提高領導技能,結交各地的好友,並在相互交流中激盪新思維,構思更多具備影響力的服務項目。 我們的扶青社員已準備好踏上一段非凡的旅程,期待在蒙古共同創造難忘的經歷!

The Preserve Planet Earth Committee organised PPE Power Day on 28 October 2023 at Tzu Chi Environmental Action Centre, aiming to arouse the public awareness on the importance of environmental protection and acknowledge the crucial factors that contribute to the sustainable growth of our planet. Participants enjoyed a fruitful day with impressive sharing and a leisure walk in the countryside.

Representative from Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong made an awesome insight on how we can develop positive relationships within oneself, the society and the environment via interaction with the nature. Paul Cheung, an experienced climber, shared his insight on how to embrace nature with a sustainable approach. Human activities do not have to be opposed to the Earth. For the sharing of Feeding Hong Kong, the process of collecting, sorting and delivering of food donation is introduced. If you have any resources that would possibly make a food donation, do not hesitate to share with the foodbanking which supports 160+ registered frontline charities.

Embracing mother nature can avoid nature-deficit disorder, an unaware disorder that most young generations are suffering. Preserving Planet Earth is a journey, not a destination. Green is the colour of hope. Together, we can create hope in this greener world.

保育地球委員會在10月28日於慈濟環保願行館舉辦保育地球委員會環境保護日,透過 3 場令人印象深刻的分享,讓參與者了解環境保護的重要性,並認識到有助於地球可持續發展的關鍵因素, 午後更一起休閒散步,與大自然對話。  



Led by CP Kenneth, we had a 11-day hope-creating trip in Yunnan. The trip was kicked off with visiting a primary school in Kunming. It was impressive for me seeing the smiling faces on the students when they received our donations. What we can offer may be little, but I am quite sure it made their day, and ours as well. We also enjoyed an amazing scenic and mountainous road trip to Kunming, Yuanmou, Lugu Lake, Lijiang, Shangri-la, Dali, and etc. That’s truly a wonderful & memorable experience !

由CP Kenneth帶領,我們一行人完成為期11天的雲南創夢遊。是次自駕遊以探訪昆明一間小學揭開序幕。當受助學生們收到我們捐贈的物資時,他們的笑容仍令我刻骨銘心。我們的幫助或許微不足道,但助人受助雙方皆度過愉快的時光。我們一行人其後展開令人驚嘆的山區公路旅行,遊覽昆明、元謀、瀘沽湖、麗江、香格里拉及大理等地。沿途風景怡人,不枉此行!

October is a fruitful month. We all gather together to celebrate the anniversary of clubs such as  the 54th anniversary of RC New Territories, the 30th Anniversary of RC The Peak, the 30th anniversary of RC Guia as well as the 27th anniversary RC Happy Valley. It’s my honor to witness the fellowship and cohesiveness among Club members. The Clubs have achieved consistent, long-term membership growth year after year, placing themselves in a strong position to manage crises, take care of fellow members and serve the community. We can do so little alone, so let’s Create Hope in the World together.

十月是豐收的月份。社友們聚首一堂,慶祝新界扶輪社54週年、太平扶輪社30週年、松山扶輪社30週年以及快活谷扶輪社27週年。我很榮幸見證社友間的友誼和團結。這些扶輪社年復一年實現持續的社員增長,妥善管理危機,社友間相互照顧,齊心服務社區。 獨自一人的力量微不足道,但團結使我們足以為世界創造希望。

Once again, we had our new member orientation and CP academy in October 2023. Prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion helps the Clubs attract and retain talent. New members are more likely to be open, honest, and vulnerable when they share the same goal and vision with Rotarians. It is not necessarily thinking and doing things in the same ways, but they are all the time able to accommodate different ideas, share the common goal of serving the community. New member orientation allows the District and new members to get to know each other better. CP Academy ensures all CPs-to-be are well-prepared and humble to lead a club. It’s as easy as simple mathematics. the more leaders and talents we have, the more strength we own to create hopes.  

本月我們再次迎來社友迎新培訓及創社社長學堂。多元、公平和包容有助於扶輪社吸引並留置人才。當新成員與扶輪社員擁有相同的目標和願景時,他們更能打開心扉。社友不一定需要以相同的方式思考和行事,但只要懷抱服務社會的共同目標,便能達致和而不同。社友迎新培訓有助地區和新社友能夠更好地互相了解。創社社長學堂則確保所有準創社社長在創社前已做好充分準備,能夠謙虛地領導新創扶輪社。 扶輪吸納領袖和人才越多,創造希望的力量便越大。

The Opening Ceremony of the District Dementia Project 2023/24 and the home visit session took place on 21 October 2023, in collaboration with Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council (elderly services). Thank you for the support and generosity of the 10 hosting Clubs and 21 supporting Clubs which together made this event a great success. Chair of the District Health Committee PP Isaac Yip shared with us their insights on the impact of Dementia in the community.

Dementia does not only affect the patients, but also their families and friends. Echoing the theme of “Caring the Carers” advocated by the Department of Heath this year, we have expanded our scope of service to include knowledge-based sharing on wealth management, and a yum-cha session targeting the elderly and their carers. A 2024 calendar containing useful information with nostalgic designs is also tailor-made for the elderly as souvenirs. The patients and their carers shared the difficulties that they encounter in daily life during the first home visit. From the interaction, we learnt that their memory may fade out gradually but they are still who they are. The bond between loved ones cannot be erased.  

聯同服務夥伴香港聖公會福利協會(安老服務)共同舉辦的地區認知障礙症活動啟幕禮2023/24暨首次探訪於10月21日圓滿舉行。感謝10個主辦扶輪社與21個支持扶輪社慷慨解囊,令是次活動得以成功。地區健康委員會主席PP Isaac Yip與與會者分享認知障礙症對社會的影響。  


The Star Avenue Hearty Anti-Poverty Project focused on assisting over 100 low-income elderly. Food coupons and consumer vouchers were distributed. Elderly participants provided their wish lists, and Rotarians from RCSA assisted with shopping trips and collecting rice boxes. The event brought joy to the participants and volunteers. Highly appreciate Rotary Club of Star Avenue’s commitment to creating hope and fighting elderly poverty.  


Shatin Student Ambassador, founded by Rotary Club of Hong Kong Sunrise in 2010, is a comprehensive nurturing program that brings together government departments, social welfare organisations, youth organisations and local leaders to provide students with advanced training in volunteer services. The student-led program allows them to plan and implement meaningful community services, to care about the community and to be engaged in social services. Under the training of social workers, student ambassadors organise volunteer services to build a more caring and inclusive community.

This year is the 13th anniversary of the program and the theme will be “Peace”. In the past 13 years it had over 2,600 students joined the program and benefit during service projects. The 13th Shatin Student Ambassador Program kicked off at Tsang Pik Shan (Sung Lan) Secondary School on 21 October 2023. The participating teachers and students were excited about the program. The seed of serving the community was planted today, hoping that the next generation can create hope in the world with diverse service projects by themselves one day.



We have come so far and here comes the final episode of our District Governors’ kitchen. No one is born as a great cook, one learns by doing. Just like PDG Joseph Lee, PDG Anthony Hung,  PDG Eric Chin and DGN Cassy Cheng, they are not born as great leaders, they learn via experience. Mark your calendar and don’t miss the sharing of our leaders.
