Rotary Club of City Northwest Hong Kong
- Social impact
- Self learning and advancement
- Respect
- Positive
- Goal oriented
- Genuine
- Cooperative
- Passionate
- Fellowship
- Four-way test

Rotary Club of Golden Bauhinia Hong Kong
- Pioneers in all we do – sports, STEM, art tech, One More Life, computer recycling project
- Since the establishment of the Club, 100 % EREY
- 100% of our members are Paul Harris Fellows
- 2 RCCs and together have about 200 members/volunteers
- Global Grant Project w Sister Club – Hep B/C screening in rural areas of Taiwan >4000 beneficiaries
- Our members are our “family”
- 50% of chartered members from 10 years ago are still with the club
- Fully embrace DEI from day one: 11 M /10 F + LGBT members. For us, DEI = “inclusiveness”
- Our focus is (i) Youth and Education (ii) STEM and (iii) Sustainability
- We love our drinks but we are equally committed to service!

Rotary Club of Green Hong Kong
- Social impact – Reduce carbon pollution through encouraging a vegetarian diet once a week
- Self learning and advancement
- Respect
- Positive
- Educational – Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Reform, Re-Think
- Genuine
- Friendly
- Passionate
- Fellowship
- Openminded

Rotary Club of Harmony and Prosperity Hong Kong
- Fellowship
- Work hard, play harder
- Supportive
- Diverse Professions
- Generous
- Teamwork
- Youth Service
- Young
- Four-way Test
- Energetic

Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West
- Longevity
- Supportive
- Humble
- Life-long friendship
- Sociability
- Intelligent
- Caring
- Respect
- Traditions
- Committed

Rotary Club of Hong Kong Northwest
- Longevity
- Supportive
- Humble
- Life-long friendship
- Sociability
- Intelligent
- Caring
- Respect
- Traditions
- Committed

Rotary Club of Kowloon Central
- 專業人仕 Professional
- 敬老 Elderly Care
- 環保 Protect Environment
- 專注社區 Community Service
- 友誼至上 Friendship
- 提升職業水準 Raise Service Quality
- 發展新思維 Imaginative & Creative
- 開拓世界觀 The World is One
- 協助弱勢社群 Help the needy
- 追求世界和平 World Peace

Rotary Club of Mid-Level
- 31 years old
- 1 Rotaract Club; 1 Interact Club; 1 RCC
- 25 Members; Very strong fellowship
- Work closely together to serve
- Mutual effectiveness regardless of each other
- Male and Female Club
- 100% EREY & PHF Club
- 2 Sister clubs (Taipei Sunrise, Taiwan; Rotary Club of Sukhumit, Thailand)
- 1 Daughter Club (Niislel, Mongolia)
- Active roster of speakers of diverse backgrounds and interests

Rotary Club of The Peak
- Fellowship and friendship first
- Fun loving
- Men only so far
- Mostly entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals but we welcome members with any background
- Work hard, play even harder
- Enjoy a glass or two occasionally
- Service always at the core of our hearts
- Joke often but very serious in our work
- Likes to meet fellow Rotarians from all over the world
- Love Rotary, love this world