DG Newsletter – December

It is our pleasure to have Rotary International President Gordon Mclnally and Heather Mclnally visiting the 3 regions of District 3450.

The 9-day visit was kicked off on 10 November 2023 in Mongolia. Rotary International President Gordon Mclnally and Heather Mclnally were welcomed by 32 Rotarians and spouses at the Ulaanbaatar International Airport. RI President Gordon said travelling to Mongolia was one of his dreams when he was a child. Now his dream has come true.

During the 4-day Mongolia visit, we visited service projects such as “Toilet and Shower Facilities for Suburban School”, “Let’s Read”, “Ger for Life” and “Test for Life”. “Toilet and Shower Facilities for Suburban School”, a global grant project organised by Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar, helps suburban developing schools build toilet and shower facilities for their boarding students and teachers. “Let’s Read”, a global grant project organised by Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar Peace Avenue, aims to donate English books collected from clubs to local school libraries. This is an ongoing project. Do connect with our fellows if you have resources. “Ger for Life” and “Test for Life” were global grant projects organised by Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar Central. They targeted to improve lives of the underprivileged family or those living in rural areas by providing free Ger and medical testing service with a mobile testing truck. RI President Gordon was impressed by the fantastic service projects.

RI President Gordon and the team took the opportunity to explore potential cooperation. We had a meeting with the spokesperson of the Mongolian parliament at Parliament House identifying mutual interest between Rotary and Mongolia government, and exploring criteria that Rotarians can work on in the local community. An interview was also conducted by a national television, Eagle News. RI President Gordon mentioned the service projects of Area 9 and Area 10. The work we have done is always the best promotion of Rotary. We should seize every chance to further our reach to the community. Last but not least, three new Clubs, Rotary Club of New Bridge, Rotary Club of Hunnu and Rotary Club of Murun Khuree,were chartered by RI President Gordon. It is indeed our honour to have RI President chartering new clubs in person. Let’s show our warmest welcome to 70 new comers.

RI President Gordon and the team also visited Macau on 16 November. We are so grateful to have RI President Gordon to kick off the 3X3 Basketball Interact Cup. RI President Gordon showed his great shot to all participating Interact schools in Macao. Rotary believes in developing the next generation of leaders. The Interactors utilise all their skills to accomplish their goals on that day. The team also visited Fuhong Society of Macau, a long term service partner of District 3450. We are so willing to help but we don’t want to push our ideas onto beneficiaries. And the best way to understand what they need is to listen. The frontline workers of Fuhong Society of Macau shared with the team of their experience and thoughts on service projects. Last but not least, we finished the day with a banquet with Area 1 Rotarians.

The team also had a precious time in Hong Kong. We visited two long-standing NGOs, Po Leung Kuk and Jockey Club. Both have a long history of partnership on service projects with our District. When we care, we can make a difference. Together with our service partners, we identified potentials to deliver different service projects in different ways to different beneficiaries with the same goal, Create Hope in the World. We also had a constructive meeting with HKSAR Chief Executive Mr John KC Lee and  Legislative Council Representative The Hon Andrew Leung. In the meeting, we stressed that Rotary is a platform that can tell good Hong Kong stories to oversea. The team also took a leisure boat trip with Rotaractors.

RI President Gordon Mclnally and his spouse Heather Mclnally had a wonderful time with Rotarians and Rotaractors in District 3450. Thank you for all your warm hospitality. He highly appreciated the achievements the our District have reached for the first half of RY2023-24 such as contributing to The Rotary Foundation, cultivating membership growth and organising fantastic service projects. He urges us to share the Rotary value and opportunities and let them be proud of being part of the Rotary family.

Thank you for giving the best of yourselves to our honourable guests. During the visit, we showed that we achieve goals; we have fun; we learn from each other; we respect each other; we work together; and we are a team.

我們十分榮幸能邀請國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利及其夫人Heather Mclnally親自探訪3450地區。

為期九天國際扶輪社長探訪於2023年11月10日於蒙古國正式揭開序幕,當天32名社友及家人於烏蘭巴托國際機場接待國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利及其夫人Heather Mclnally。國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利表示前往蒙古國是他的兒時夢想,是次探訪終於讓他達成夢想。

於蒙古國四天的探訪中,我們探訪了 “Toilet and Shower Facilities for Suburban School”、“Let’s Read”、“Ger for Life”及 “Test for Life”等服務項目。“Toilet and Shower Facilities for Suburban School”是烏蘭巴托扶輪社的全球獎助金項目,協助有需要的學校設立衛生間與淋浴設施,便利寄宿的師生。烏蘭巴托和平路扶輪社全球獎助金項目“Let’s Read”則自各社收集英文書本,捐贈予當地學校圖書館。此項目目前仍在進行中,如有任何二手書本可捐贈,請與負責人聯絡。烏蘭巴托中區扶輪社則透過“Ger for Life”及“Test for Life”等項目為貧困家庭提供蒙古包居住,又派遣流動檢測車前往偏遠地區為居民進行醫學檢測。國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利對這些服務印象深刻。

國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利及團隊趁此良機前往議會大廈與蒙古議會的發言人會面,討論扶輪與當地政府之間合作的潛力,探索更多社友在當地開展工作的可能性,相互合作。此外,團隊亦接受當地國家電視台Eagle New的訪問,國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利於訪問中提及第9及第10區域的服務項目。我們的出作便是扶輪最佳的宣傳,有助加深社會大眾對扶輪的認識。國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利亦見證三個新扶輪社的成立,讓我們歡迎Rotary Club of New Bridge、Rotary Club of Hunnu及Rotary Club of Murun Khuree等70名新社友的加入。

國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利及團隊其後於2023年11月16日前往澳門。我們非常感謝國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利為扶輪少年服務團3X3籃球杯揭幕,並即場獻技,展示他精湛的球技。扶輪社一直致力培育社會未來的領導,而扶少團團員亦不負眾望,施展渾身解數為奪冠而努力。此外,團隊亦前往拜訪3450地區的長期服務夥伴扶康會。儘管我們非常願意提供協助,然而我們並不能將自身想法強加緒於受益者。澳門扶康會的前線工作人員分享了他們的服務項目經驗和想法,了解受助者的需要。 當然,我們亦把握機會,與第1區域社友一同享用豐盛的晚宴。


國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利及其夫人Heather Mclnally均表示與3450地區近十天來的相處非常融洽,感謝各位的熱情款待。同時,他亦特別讚揚地區於本扶輪年度首六個月的努力,於扶輪基金會、促進社員增長及籌辦服務項目方面成績斐然。他勉勵各社友致力宣揚扶輪價值與機會,讓所有社友皆能引以為榮。


The End Polio Walk was held on 18 November 2023 at Peak Road Garden. This is the first District large-scale outdoor event in Hong Kong after the epidemic. Led by RI President Gordon and Heather Mclnally, over 500 Rotarians, Rotaractors, families and friends took part in the charity walk. RI President Gordon stressed that Rotary has always played an essential role in eradicating Polio. We were pleased to announce that a total of USD 138,000 was contributed to eradicate polio (as of 18 November 2023 morning). Every donation will be used for obtaining support, transport, and materials needed in the fight against polio.

Thank you End Polio Day Chair DS Alexander Cheung and his organising team for organising such a successful event. End Polio Day & Family Walk did not only provide a perfect ‘excuse’ for us to donate, but also aroused public awareness on fighting against the life-threatening disease, helping children in remote areas to escape from the devastating effects of polio. We are this CLOSE.

Check out more highlights of the End Polio Day from the link below:



感謝大會籌委會主席地區秘書張宇靈及其團隊的籌辦。根除小兒麻痹症慈善步行活動在募捐的同時,亦可引起社會對此致命疾病的關注,讓更多的偏遠地區的兒童免於小兒麻痺症之苦。We are this CLOSE.



250 generous Rotarians and their spouses joined the Intercity Meeting on 18 November evening at Regala Skycity Hotel. We were honoured to have RI President Gordon giving his word of wisdom. He shared with us his thoughts on District 3450 service projects and highly appreciated our District’s commitment to the Seven Areas of Focus. He concluded his speech by urging everyone to enjoy each fruitful day in our District and in Rotary.

At that evening, Major Donors were recognized. Contribution is the fuel that drives the big vessel moving. On behalf of District 3450, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the Rotarians for all your contribution. Thank you PDG Vincent TO for contributing HK$100,000 to TRF with his successful bid. Our little effort can be the greatest hope to others. The District Health Committee also took the chance to showcase mental health service. Mental health is recognizable and treatable. Please join me in transforming District 3450 into a commonplace where we can address, show up for and take care of one’s body and mind. The Rotary Volunteer Network of District 3450 was officially launched as well. Some show their care with contribution; some show their care with time. No act is small since every kindness counts.

250名慷慨的社友及其親友於11月18日齊聚麗豪航天城酒店參與Intercity Meeting。國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利於晚宴上致辭,分享其對是次3450地區探訪的感受,並讚揚我們地區致力於七大焦點領域。他祝願社友們皆能於扶輪、於地區度過豐碩的日子。

巨額捐獻人於晚宴上獲認可。捐獻是推動地區前進的動力。我謹代表3450地區對所有扶友的貢獻表示衷心的感謝。感謝 PDG Vincent TO 於會上慷慨競投,向扶輪基金會捐贈100,000港元。眾人微薄的努力一點點匯聚成別人最大的希望。地區健康委員會也藉此機會匯報心理健康服務。心理疾病是可以診治的,讓我們致力攜手完善 3450地區,讓有需要人士可坦誠從容面對自身的心理狀況,支持並關注各人的身心健康。此外,3450地區扶輪義工網絡也正式啟動。無論付出的是款項還是時間,皆同等重要。莫以善少而不為,因為每一份善意都很重要。

As mentioned at the beginning of the Rotary Year, more training shall be given to Rotaractors. DTTS & PETS were organised for Rotaract leaders, ensuring that Rotarators are also familiar with our District focuses as well as basic Rotary knowledge.


Partnering with SideBySide, Rotary E-Club of Tamar Hong Kong organised Rotary Healthy & Peace Kitchen on 26 November to promote healthy cooking and healthy life. Participants were required to prepare their dishes with a cooker. As one of the judges, I also joined the game by demonstrating a dish with 10 ingredients, making it a perfect ten. It was eye-opening to see how creative the participants were to prepare their healthy dishes. Healthy eating is the best investment you make.Health dishes can also be mouthwatering. Learn more from the organising Club and make reference to the scoring receipt.


“Free Health Check for the Seniors” is one of the shining projects of Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile. This project, which has been organised with Mong Kok Kai Fong Association Chan Hing Social Service Center for the Elderly for over two decades, aims to raise seniors’ awareness of their physical health.

On 19 November, Rotarians from RC KGM, Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Edelweiss and Interactors of Ying Wa College helped with basic measurement after a brief training. 330 seniors took basic health tests such as measuring BMI, blood pressure, blood glucose level, cholesterol and bone density. After the check-up, they received medical advice from our fellow Rotarians, PDG Y.C.Ho, PDG Eric Chak, PP Issac Yip, PP C P Fong and PP Bonnie Wong. Gift packs with daily necessities were also given to the elderly.

As Rotarians, you are urged to make high-quality health care available to the vulnerable. Kindly bear it in mind that mental health is as important as physical health. Let’s start where we are, use what we have, to do what we can do.


於11月19日,九龍金域扶輪社的社友、扶青社員及扶少團團員在接受簡單的培訓後協助進行基本的身體指數量度。330名長者在現場測量BMI、血壓、血糖、膽固醇和骨密度。 檢查後,PDG Y.C.Ho、PDG Eric Chak、PP Issac Yip、PP C P Fong 和 PP Bonnie Wong等社友會根據測量數據給予醫學建議。同時,該社亦為參與的長者送上生活用品包。


A special episode of Governor’s Kitchen was filmed during RIP Mongolia Visit. I was honoured to interview RI President Gordon Mclnally and Heather Mclnally in a Mongolian Ger. RI President Gordon talked about his Rotary footprint and how Rotary affects his life while Heather Mclnally shared her insight on how to be a great supporter. AG Nomuun and AG Salima also shared their valuable experience. We also enjoyed a traditional meal prepared by a local chef.

Another fruitful episode was filmed in Hong Kong, interviewing PDG Vincent To, CP Patrick Pong and PP Menza Chu.

The special series is going to be released on 12 December 2023 at noon. Stay Tuned !

Trailer: https://youtu.be/rHmzpgIXz7Y

於是次的蒙古探訪中,團隊把握機會拍攝一輯特別的總監廚房,由本人於蒙古包內訪問國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利及其夫人Heather Mclnally。國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利於訪問中分享他於扶輪的經歷,以及扶輪如何影響他的人生。Heather Mclnally則分享她如何支持其丈夫於扶輪的工作。AG Nomuun和AG Salima於訪問亦有分享他們寶貴的經驗。當地廚師即席為我們烹調當地傳統美食。

另一精彩訪問則於香港拍攝,訪問PDG Vincent To、CP Patrick Pong及PP Menza Chu。


預告片: https://youtu.be/rHmzpgIXz7Y