Fuel the Rotary service – RI President Gordon McInally describes The Rotary Foundation as “the fuel that provides the energy to do Rotary service.” He and his spouse, Heather, also a Rotarian, are Paul Harris Fellows, Major Donors, and Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation. They are also members of the Bequest Society. RIP Gordon wishes to dedicate his presidency to making the world a better place for his granddaughters to live and thrive.

We share the same wish and let us join hands to make the world a better place for our next generation.

Riding on our success in the last Rotary Year, please work with DG Andy and the District Rotary Foundation Committee to achieve our 2023/24 District Rotary Foundation targets including raising US$1,000,000.
Thank you.

為扶輪服務『加油』 – 國際扶輪社長葛登•麥金納利形容扶輪基金是『推動扶輪服務的能量燃油』。他和妻子希瑟 (Heather)同樣是扶輪社員,身體力行,解囊捐贈,為扶輪服務加油,成為保羅哈里斯之友、鉅額捐獻人、永久基金捐獻人、遺贈會成員。社長葛登希望在任內致力為孫女們打造一個更美好的世界。我們擁抱相同志向,讓我們攜手為下一代創造更美好的將來。

建基於過去一年的成功經驗,我在此呼籲各位扶輪社員, 與地區總監李兆民和地區扶輪基金會委員會攜手努力,實現2023–24地區扶輪基金會的目標,包括籌集 1,000,000 美元。謝謝大家。

PDG Belinda Yeung, JP
DRFC – Chair 2023 – 24
Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour