March PPE Newsletter edited by IPP Eliza Ning, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour, PPE Committee Chair
Congratulations to the organizers HK Ocean Park and MCL in hosting the OPC x SEE LIFE @MCL Caring for the Future Forum on Eating Locally, Living Carbon -Less.
First Time D3450 Preserve Planet Earth Committee partnered with Rotary Action Group for Peace HK & Macau Chapter as the supporting organization of this forum to promote sustainability and how to mitigate climate change by eating locally.
We were very honored to have DG Andy Li attended and gave the opening speech to the audience. DG Andy emphasized the important of supporting the environment which is one of the 7th areas of focus in Rotary International.
A very successful and insightful event with full house audience including Rotarians, friends, and interactors from Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College of Rotary Club of Island Green. CP Kenneth Li came to support the event as well.
The guest speakers shared their experiences in using self-made pre-cooking food wastes from local restaurants as fertilizer for local farming and one ice cream shop buying over-harvested local produced fruits and vegetables making ice cream and sorbets to extend the life of the over-harvest in reducing carbon emissions and food waste which echoes PPE 2023/24 theme- Carbon Reduction and Stop Food Waste!
By supporting local farmers and businesses – two key takeaway words – 食、買Eat & Buy LOCAL! Ultimately it helps lowering our carbon footprint.
Additionally, the guest speaker from Fish Marketing Organization (魚類統營處) introduced the marketing app *local fresh (本地預賽直送) to buy local produced food! Let’s act NOW!
IPP Eliza went to the ice cream shop the next day to try the local artisan gelato with her friend! YUMMMMY!