What a great start for a year of creating hope! The District Installation went ahead successfully on 8 July 2023 with nearly 900 people attending, including fellow Rotarians from Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia. This is the first year that we can have a measure-free District Installation since 2020. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who took part for their enormous work in making the event memorable. Thank you Chair PP Elsa Wong and her organizing committee team.
新年伊始,今年我們必須齊心合力為世界創造希望﹗國際扶輪3450地區就職典禮於2023年7月8日圓滿落幕,近900名香港、澳門及蒙古的社友齊聚一堂,見證地區總監及各社社長的交接。今年是自2020起首個不受社交距離限制的典禮。我謹代表地區團隊感謝各位為籌備是次就職典禮所作的付出,特別感謝主席PP Elsa以及籌備委員會所有成員。
Together with IPDG Norman’s team, we have taken part in 80 club installations. It is my pleasure to witness the transfer of Presidency. Club installation provides a good opportunity to have a conclusion on what had been done. Review your club goal again in order to be focused on achieving them. Thanks all Assistant Governors for your effort and time. I am glad that strong bonds were built between Clubs. And over 10 Rotaract Clubs also completed their installation as well.
The first DMC and JPM, meetings for District officers and Presidents, were hosted in July. Having regular meetings with District and Club leaders ensure that message gets through to every Rotarians, so that District 3450, as a team, heads to the same goal.
Our big family, District 3450, has showed our love with action. Ulaanbaatar was swept by torrential rain and our fellows in Mongolia sought our help for the purchase of pumping equipment. Within a week, we collected a total amount of USD51,000 from 50+ Clubs together with 7 individuals. Thank you all for your generous donation. Rotarians in Mongolia Rotarians, Эрүүл саруул сайн сайхан байхыг хүсье (Wish you safe and sound)!
The way to strengthen District 3450, in an old fashioned but effective manner, would be to grow more members. New members bring in creative ideas, dynamic, and more expertise, cultivating more service projects to reward the society. Every Club is encouraged to gain 3 more members in this year. Be active and willing to share with the society what Rotarians are doing. Arousing prospective members’ awareness is the first step. Then it follows by showing them the valuable fellowship and experience they can gain and involving them in service projects as volunteers. Eventually, birds of a feather flock together. That is the best way to acquire passionate new members, and in return, expanding our network.
In past few months, District leaders and hope-creating-Presidents have been busy in planning. Now, it is time to execute all the plans. To help District 3450 do good for the underprivileged communities, please be generous to be EREY club, PHF and Major Donor. Yet, not everyone can do great things, attaining a supreme level in contribution, but we can do small things which are great. Every contribution counts, no matter how big or small it is.
於過去數月中,地區領導人與創造希望的社長一直忙於規劃,而現在正是切實執行的時候。為援助更多有需要人士,請慷慨解囊,成為EREY、保羅‧哈里斯之友(PHF)以及巨額捐獻人(Major Donor)。無可否認,不是每一個人皆能達致高階的捐獻級別,然而,我們只要在力之所及的範圍內盡一分力,所作的貢獻與前者並無二致。請謹記,捐獻是無分多寡的。
I am glad to announce that 2 episodes of Governor’s Kitchen were completed. Governors’ Kitchen is an innovative program, aiming to promoting through Governors’ sharing. I am looking forward to seeing District leaders taking off their suits, putting on the apron and sharing insights and anecdote.
Virtual Vocational Exchange (VVE), a program that encompasses youth service, vocational service and international service, is now joining hands with District 9213 (Uganda). The joint-VVE will be organized in following months, providing an opportunity for youth to exchange across the border.
With collaborative efforts of District 3450, we will restore hope — to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and, in turn, to help us achieve lasting change for ourselves.