The Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong (“RCLKF”) and the Neighborhood Advice-Action Council (“NCCA”) once again organized “Love Delivery – Rotary in Tung Chung” with home visits at Yat Tung Estate in Tung Chung. On July 2nd, 2023, around 70 volunteers from the Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong, the Rotary Club of Green Hong Kong, the Rotary Club of Peninsula Sunrise, and PwC called at 100 low-income households at Yat Tung Estate. Not were hearty bags of daily necessities served, but the volunteers also conducted an assessment on the daily needs and mental health caring for their mental health and needs for counselling.
As the largest public rental housing estate in Hong Kong, Yat Tung Estate, composed of 25 residential blocks and densely populated with around 40,000 residents, is a poverty stricken area. Unlike the poverty of the elderly in Sham Shui Po, Yat Tung Estate is characterized by a large number of children. The low-income households spend a particularly high proportion on transportation and food expenses. An organization used the “Two Meals and One Soup” index survey to show that the cost of living at Yat Tung Estate is the highest in Hong Kong, 20% more expensive than Pei Ho Street in Sham Shui Po in the same period. Parents who work in other districts have long commute and have no time for their families, leading to a series of family issues. Some of them even give up their jobs for the care of their children because of high transportation costs and lack of childcare services.
Recently, we noted that there are various conflicts caused by mental and emotional illnesses in society. After the COVID-19 epidemic, the residents of Yat Tung Estate are also still facing living pressures from different aspects, which makes them suffering into some symptoms of the unwell conditions of mental health, such as upset, insomnia, irritability, easy crying, depression, etc., and even fear, increased distrust of others, and depression.
Erick Lin, President of the Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong, said that this is the second year that “Love Delivery – Rotary in Tung Chung” was held at Yat Tung Estate. In order to proactively respond to the main focus from Rotary International District 3450 on the issue of concerning mental health of individual, RCLKF wishes to establish sustainable co-operation relationship with NAAC, continues to care for the residents of Yat Tung Estate.
Andy Li, the Governor of Rotary International District 3450, believes that it is not enough to just send supplies to low-income families but to listen carefully to the needs of residents during the visits. Rotarians, who are elites from different industries and professional, are able to help people by using their own network and resources. DG Andy had met a daughter of an interviewed family in the past. She wanted to be a nurse. A Rotarian, whose classification is doctor, arranged a job shadowing to that girl in his clinic immediately. So, she could observe the daily work of a registered nurse. That experience encouraged her to study hard, and finally she studied in nursing in the university.
Ms. Elina Fung, the Executive Director of NAAC, thanked the Rotary Clubs for their proactive participation in serving the community for many years, and emphasized that the organization not only focuses on serving the elderly and low-income families, but also pays attention to health and youth services.
The Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong and the Neighborhood Advice-Action Council envisaged that through the implementation of the project of “Love Delivery – Rotary in Tung Chung”, we can provide necessary assistance to needy families at the estate, give them blessing packs and greeting cards, offer care and blessings, and also enhance their understanding of their emotional matters, identify their mental health needs in the early stage, and provide support services promptly.
今日華人CLUB 2023-07-03 18:59 Posted on 廣東
蘭桂坊扶輪社、香港綠色素食扶輪社、半島旭日扶輪社、羅兵咸永道合共派出近 70 位義工,探訪逸東邨 100 戶低收入家庭。
國際扶輪 3450 地區總監李兆民(中),鄰舍輔導會總幹事馮綉文女士(左四)、蘭桂坊扶輪社社長林文彥(右二)。
蘭桂坊扶輪社社長林文彥及國際扶輪 3450 地區總監李兆民探訪逸東邨居民。
蘭桂坊扶輪社社長林文彥及國際扶輪 3450 地區總監李兆民為街坊準備福袋。
蘭桂坊扶輪社是國際扶輪3450地區第四地域旗下其中一個扶輪社。國際扶輪是一個國際性的服務組織,匯聚了商界和專業領袖,提供人道服務,鼓勵崇高標準的專業道德,並在世界各地推進善意與和平。蘭桂坊扶輪社秉承“超我服務”的理念服務社會,其社區服務對象包括小童、年青人、社會企業等,服務項目地域涉及香港、中國大陸、台灣、孟加拉等地。該扶輪社於2008年5月15日由創社社長趙敏華女士成立。 2023-24年度社長為林文彥先生。