District 3450 Rotary Foundation Committee 2023 -2024

By PDG Belinda Yeung, JP, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour

August is Membership and New Club Development Month

Rotary’s strength lies in the sincerity of purpose of its members.

A time to focus on and appreciate your members, celebrate their devotion to the club and the impact they have made.

A time to think about developing strategies around growing your membership. The reason why Rotary is such a successful organization is because it is full of members that have one trait in common -the passion to make a difference in the world. All of us share this passion and it’s what drives us to work together.

RIP 2023 –24 initiatives 

23-24 Presidential Initiatives

Prioritizing mental health

  • Erasing stigma associated with caring about emotional well-being
  • Raising awareness about mental health needs
  • Working to improve access to mental health services

Peacebuilding through virtual exchanges

  • Experiencing other cultures, making new friends, and broadening global awareness in new way
  • Accessing people with time, health, or financial considerations
  • Building stronger intercultural communication and understanding, and ultimately foster more stable and peaceful communities

Empowering girls

  • Elevating the voices and unlocking the power of girls and women around the world
  • Finding ways to improve health, well-being, education, economic security, and self-determination of girls
  • Empowering girls who can change the world

Rotary Showcase

Project Name: The Youth Mental Health Project
Rotary Club: Rotary Club of Surabaja-Darmo
Area of Focus: Disease Prevention and Treatment

  • The project invited expertise on Mental Health (psychologist) to share their expertise and knowledge to gain awareness and deeper understanding on Mental Health among youngsters age 12 to 15 years old.
  • Provided short counselling to the selected audience.
  • 140 students and teachers from Junior High Schools participated

Project Name: Mother and Child Health Care and Awareness
Rotary Club: Rotary Club of Calcutta Sun City
Area of Focus: Maternal and child health

  • A camp was organized for health check up for Mother and Child.
  • Lecture on importance of breast feeding till 6 months after birth was given with medical advises to all mothers
  • More than 65 mother and Child registered for this health check up camp.

Interview with Major Doner Level 4 donor
PDG Peter Pang

DG PETER PANG 彭志宏 – DG 2015-2016

A Sharing by Past PDG Peter Pang, Rotary Club of New Territories, Rotary Foundation Major Donor.

Collected by PP Maki Wan, Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile

Question1: I heard you are a Major Donor Level 4, and we know of your dedication to the Rotary including being the Past District Governor. I would like to ask what drives you to be so passionate about giving back? 

Rotary Foundation is a reputable organization in organizing donation.  It is a good platform to assist those who are less fortunate elsewhere in the world via the Rotary community.  I think any Rotarian regardless of his/ her post can help via Rotary Foundation.

Question 2: Many people may feel a moral or ethical obligation to help those in need. Or they may have personal experiences that inspire them to give back. What is the driving force for you in your commitment to help people in need? Please also tell us what are recent projects you are involved in.

It is a privilege and a blessing to help.  You may start helping others when you are not very well off.  If the current financial condition is not ready, one does not have the obligation to help others.  All in all one has to look after him/herself.  We need to learn to be smart in giving, i.e. ensure the help I offer is necessary and really goes to those in need.  I recently promoted peace via mediation to the community, especially to young people.  We work with Interactors to reach out to our young people and hope more young people can have the knowledge, skills and willingness to use mediation to construct a more peaceful community now and in the future.

Question 3: What impact do you hope your donation will have on society or future generations?

I am sure the donation is handled in good hands.  I am sure each Rotary project is carefully formulated by Rotarians and is carried out in an efficient manner.  I believe Rotarians are very creative and have better ideas than me.  I rely on them to help the community.  It is encouraging to know our District projects are mostly youth related.  Our work empowers them to build a brighter future for the world. 

Question 4: Can you share any messages or stories? 

Rotarians can make a difference to the world, in a better way in many ways, through action or via donations.  The Rotary Foundation is certainly a safe way to contribute.  We also have the chance to learn more about the needs of the world through Foundation stories.

Question 5: What is the most rewarding aspect of being a Rotarian as well as a PDG? How can we spread awareness and encourage each other to contribute more to the Rotary Foundation? 

Rotary offers us knowledge through the speaker program at each club meeting.  There are plenty of fellowship opportunities as there are a lot of like-minded people in the Rotary community. As a past district governor, I am particularly impressed by the doors opened and opportunities available via my encounter in Rotary.  District governor has the privilege to meet different people, both the needy and the donors.  We can certainly link them together and create a good synergy between them, hence doing good to the world.  Contributing to the Rotary Foundation allows us to understand more about the needy and increase our interest in knowing how the money is spent.

Trustee Chair Message

The Rotary Foundation Trustees have set an ambitious goal for giving of $500 million, highest ever for this Rotary Year.

Breaks down:

Annual Fund: $150 million
Polio Eradication: $50 million (to be matched 2 to 1 by $100 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Endowment Fund: $60 million
Commitments: $80 million
Other Contributions, such as direct giving, cash for global grants, and Disaster Response Fund donations: $60 million

To make this happen, we need each and every Rotarian and Rotaractor


Let’s think bigger and differently this year, so we can meet our goal and do more to Create Hope in the World. 

D3450 Rotary Figures (2022-2023)

Polio Plus Corner

Important Dates