Rotary Small-Group Blood Donation Days

By PP German Hui, Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong

From 5th August, Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong kicked off the Rotary Small-Group Blood Donation Campaign. In August, five Rotary clubs hosted the events at the donor centres in Causeway Bay, Mongkok and Central respectively. 28 Rotarians and friends enrolled to be blood donors and 21 of them had finished the blood donation successfully.

Our District Health Service Committee invites the Rotary clubs in Hong Kong to be our Ambassadors of Blood Donation and host Group Blood Donation Event. We aim to make a deeper impact on blood donation in our community and raise awareness among the Rotarians, Rotaractors, and the citizens. We would also help the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service to stabilize the blood storage.

We would like to express our gratitude to the following clubs in hosting group blood donations in August 2023.

  1. Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong
  2. Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong
  3. Rotary Club of New Territories
  4. Rotary Club of City Northwest Hong Kong
  5. Rotary Club of the Discovery Hong Kong

In September 2023, the dates and venues are shown as below:

  1. 2 Sep, Causeway Bay Donor Centre (RC Peninsula Sunrise, RC Star Avenue)
  2. 8 Sep, Causeway Bay Donor Centre (RC Peninsula East)
  3. 16 Sep (tbc), Central Donor Centre (RC Hong Kong Financial Centre)
  4. 16 Sep, Causeway Bay Donor Centre (RC Hong Kong Bayview, RC Bayview Sunshine Hong Kong)
  5. 23 Sep, Causeway Bay Donor Centre (RC Golden Bauhinia Hong Kong)

For enquiry and enrolment:

  1. PP German HUI, 6540 6622,
  2. IPP Dennis LEW, 9858 9432,

We need your participation.
Donate Blood, Save Lives!

Chief Organizer: District Health Service Committee

PP German HUI

Vice-Chair (HK) of District Health Service Committee 2023-24
Chair of Blood Donation Service Sub-Committee 2022-24