DG Mongolia Visit
Greetings to all my fellows of District 3450! Two months passed and I hope every plan goes well. Together with 53 District officers, Presidents, Rotarians and partners, we finished visiting Mongolia. During our 6-day visit, we visited 17 Rotary Clubs and 3 potential Clubs of Area 9 & 10. It is our pleasure to have a meeting with Mongolian officers, as well as DRR Suvvda, 14 Rotaract Presidents and Rotaractors.
Wel also took the opportunity to visit service projects, especially global grants projects like Ger For Life. Our fellows from Mongolia gave us a tour to The First State Hospital. The laser equipment and endoscope system were acquired through one of the global grant projects (US$227,000 in total). With the equipment, many patients are able to get rid of the severe pain caused by kidney stones. With the support of global grants, Rotarians can amplify their impact into double, triple or even more. I am looking forward to witnessing the outcome of signature projects like Dream Corner, Ger For Life, Green House and Health Hobby.
With the help of Rotarians in Mongolia, I was honored to be interviewed by a local media, Ulaanbaatar Broadcast System. The live interview on TV is definitely a good opportunity for promoting Rotary with our good work in Mongolia and around the world.
We had closed the door for years due to the pandemic, and now we cherish this chance to reconnect and meet our fellows in Mongolia in person.
謹此向3450地區的社友問好!踏入2023扶輪年度的第三個月,各位先前的規劃亦逐一執行。我剛與53名地區職員、社長、社友及夥伴結束蒙古總監探訪。為期六日的行程中,我們拜會第九及第十地域的17個扶輪社及三個潛在扶輪社。我們很榮幸可與蒙古地區職員、DRR Suvvda、14名扶青社長以及扶青社員見面。
我們探訪扶輪社友於當地的服務項目,特別是Ger For Life等全球獎助金項目。此外,我們一行人亦參觀了第一國立醫院,該院的激光和內窺鏡設備乃透過全球獎助金(合共227,000美元)購置,治療不幸患有腎石的病人。申請全球獎助金確保資金充裕,助扶輪社友進一步擴大服務項目的影響力,讓更多受助人受惠。我深信各社將繼續秉持扶輪精神,透過Dream Corner、Ger For Life、Green House及Health Hobby等扶輪社焦點服務項目回饋社會。
在蒙古社友的幫助下,我有幸能接受當地媒體Ulaanbaatar Broadcast System的訪問。我祈望能透過電視直播訪問,讓更多人知道扶輪的好人好事,宣揚扶輪在蒙古以至世界各地為改善人們生活所作的努力。
Mongolia flood Donation
Last month, Ulaanbaatar was unfortunately swept by torrential rain. I am glad to announce that our contribution of US$50,000 has been delivered to National Amusement Park. With the donation, rehabilitation and reconstruction work is being carried out. Victims were relocated to temporary ger with essential supplies.
上月,烏蘭巴托不幸遭遇暴雨。感謝各社及社友熱心助人,合共捐獻 50,000美元予受影響的災民,款項已交予負責的National Amusement Park,以購置抽水設備,安排受影響的市民入住臨時蒙古包,為他們送上物資,展開善後重建的工作。
Donation for flooding in China
Other than Mongolia, Typhoon Doksuri slammed into China southeastern area, bringing heavy rainfall and causing casualties. Many drops of water will make an ocean; Rotary Clubs and Rotarians from Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia donated a total of US$31,500 to cope with the immediate needs of the victims.
2nd DMC & JPM
The second DMC and JPM were held successfully in August. These meetings are the major channel to ensure our message get through the Districts. All committee members and Presidents are invited to join, not only for fellowship, but also for an updates on Districts events.
District Membership Seminar
Membership Seminar, one of our essential seminars, was concluded. Rotary Coordinator PDG Jason Lim paid a visit to Hong Kong and shared his words of wisdom on how to nurture membership growth with the 100 participants.
地區社員研討會順利舉行。扶輪協調人 Jason Lim前總監親臨香港,與 100 名參與者分享如何促進會員增長,希望社友們皆能從各位講者的分享中得到啟發。
Rotary School Second Class
Identifying new members is always on the top of our list. Rotary School, a campaign allowing potential members to know more about what Rotary is, why is Rotary, and most importantly, Rotarians are People of Action. For the second course, we had 10 potential members taking part together with our Presidents and officers. Member growth is more than a number. What’s behind is that we are recruiting sustainable partners. With a shared goal and vision, we can easily achieve member retention.
物色新社員一向是扶輪社友的首要工作。扶輪學堂旨在讓潛在社友在正式入社前了解扶輪社的理念、運作,最重要的是,明白扶輪社友皆為行動的人。扶輪學堂第二課迎來10 名潛在社友與社長一起參與。社友增長不僅僅是數目的增幅,更是招募更多於社會服務途上長期結盟的夥伴。只要有著共同的目標和願景,離留置社友的目標便不遠矣。
Mental Health Kick Off Ceremony and Seminar
This Rotary Year, RI President Gordon R. McInally urges us to address mental health issues, an invisible fatal illness. The Mental Health Kick-off Ceremony and Seminar of District 3450 was held on 20 August 2023. This year, we partnered with Suicide Prevention Service. With the witness of over 130 Rotarians and Rotaractors, the mental health campaign commenced. After a 4-hour Mental Health First Aid Course, all participants will be invited to join the District Mental Health Volunteer team, offering outreach or organizing suitable service projects. Yet, we may not be an expert in curing mental illness, but our target is to show our care and love to the community, and raise public awareness towards mental health, flagging potential risks and knowing where to seek help whenever there is an alert.
2023-24年度社長麥金納利(R. Gordon R. McInally)鼓勵扶輪社友關注精神健康問題。3450地區精神健康啟幕禮暨研討會於2023年8月20日圓滿舉行。在逾130名扶輪及扶青社友的見證下,地區正式與生命熱線建立夥伴關係。義工會接受四小時的精神健康急救課程,完成課程後加入地區精神健康義工隊,進行外展服務,並舉辦合適的服務項目。無可否認,我們不會因短暫的培訓而成為排解精神問題的專業人士,但我們的目的是向他人顯示我們的關懷,喚起公眾對精神健康的關注,如身邊人出現令人憂慮的行為時,可及早發現,及時向專業人士求助。
Governor’s Kitchen
Besides, we have also completed two more episodes for Governors’ Kitchen. PDG Belinda, PDG HW, PDG Wilson, PDG Keith and IPDG Norman displayed their capabilities other than leadership in the epidsos. Take a peep at the other side of our leaders when the episodes are launched in December. Feel free to share it to your family, friends or even “JieJie” if you find the episodes – both Rotary story and the main course- juicy.
Rotaract Support
After the elevation of Rotaract, the definition of Rotary membership has been expanded to include both Rotary and Rotaract, hoping to make Rotary more appealing and welcoming to young professionals. To nurture our future leaders, our District confirmed to subsidize 11 Rotaract Board Members to attend The Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference(APRRC) in Seoul. The APRRC is a platform for facilitating in leadership development and education for members of Rotaract Clubs of the region through leadership seminars, online resources, and exchange.
Rotary Volunteer Network
We are open for recruiting Rotary volunteers. If your family and friends are interested in being one of us, fill in the below form: